types of alternative medicine

Types of Alternative Medicine

Alternative medicine can be a world that is confusing for many people because there is a wide range of practices and treatments that seek to improve the health and well-being, often complementing conventional medicine. That is why we have created this article to know various types of alternative medicine, hoping to help you expand your range of possibilities about what therapy you could take, starting with an overview of its principles and applications. From the Traditional Chinese Medicine to energy therapies, there are many options available to you if you're looking for a holistic approach to your health.

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)

traditional chinese medicine

The Traditional Chinese Medicine is an ancient practice that has been used for thousands of years to prevent and treat diseases. The Traditional Chinese Medicine is based on the theory of "qi" (vital energy) flowing through meridians in the body. When the flow of qi is blocked or out of balance, problems can arise health. Here are some of the main techniques of Traditional Chinese Medicine:

  • Acupuncture: Involves the insertion of fine needles into specific points on the body to stimulate the flow of qi and balance the energy.
  • Phytotherapy: Uses medicinal plants and herbal formulas to treat various diseases.
  • Tai Chi and Qi Gong: Practices of exercise that combines gentle movements, meditation and controlled breathing to improve mental and physical well being.


Originating in India, Ayurveda is a form of alternative medicine that promotes holistic health through a balance of the three doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Each person has a single constitution of these doshas, and the imbalance can lead to health problems. Ayurvedic techniques include:

  • Herbology: Use of plants and medicinal herbs that are specific to balance the doshas.
  • Diet and Nutrition: Meal plans customized according to the constitution dosha.
  • Massage and Body Therapies: Use of oils and massage techniques to promote relaxation and healing.
  • Meditation and Yoga: Practices for calming the mind and strengthening the body.

Hypnosis Therapeutic

Hypnosis therapeutic uses of the power of suggestion guided to induce a trance state in which the patient is more receptive to suggestions. This approach can be effective for:

  • Changing habits and behaviors: As quitting smoking or losing weight.
  • Pain management: To reduce the perception of pain and improve the quality of life.
  • Reduction of stress and anxiety: To promote a state of deep relaxation and emotional well-being.

Energy therapies

The energy therapies are based on the idea that the human body has an energy field that can influence your physical and emotional health. These therapies seek to balance and harmonize this energy field. Below, we explore some of the energy therapies are more well known:

· Reiki

Reiki is a japanese technique of healing that involves the channeling of energy through the hands of the practitioner to the patient. The principles of Reiki are based on the idea that vital energy can be transferred in order to promote the healing of physical, emotional, and spiritual.

  • Reiki sessions: During a session, the patient lies comfortably while the practitioner places their hands gently on or near the body in a number of positions. The energy flows through the practitioner to the patient, promoting deep relaxation and a sense of well-being.
  • Benefits of Reiki: It can help to reduce stress, relieve pain, improve sleep, and promote emotional healing. It is a complementary therapy that is used in conjunction with other medical treatments.

· Therapy Energy Fields

This category includes a variety of techniques that seek to balance the energy field of the body, often known as the bio-energy field or aura. Some of these techniques include:

  • Therapeutic Touch: Similar to Reiki, therapeutic touch involves the channeling of energy through the hands of the practitioner to the patient. It is used to promote relaxation, relieve pain and improve general well-being.
  • Healing Pranic: Uses the power of prana or vital to clean and energize your energy centers (chakras), and the aura of the patient. The healing pranic can be useful for dealing with physical problems, emotional, and mental.
  • Biomagnetismo: Uses magnets high power to balance the magnetic field of the body and treat various diseases. It is believed that magnets can help to restore energy balance and promote healing.

· Emotional freedom technique (EFT or Tapping)

Tapping, or Emotional freedom technique (EFT), combines elements of acupuncture and psychology moderna to release blockages of emotional and physical through the stimulation of specific points on the body. EFT is based on the premise that the negative emotions and traumas can cause blockages in the flow of energy in the body.

  • Process of Tapping: Involves tapping with the fingers on specific points on the body while repeating positive affirmations. This helps to release blocked energy and restore emotional balance.
  • Applications of EFT: It is used to treat a wide range of problems, including anxiety, stress, chronic pain, emotional trauma, and addictions. It is a simple technique that people can learn and practice by themselves.

· Meditation and Yoga

Meditation and yoga are practices that combine the mind and the body to promote relaxation, mental focus and general well-being. Both practices have deep roots in the ancient traditions of the east and are widely used in alternative medicine.

  • Meditation: Involves techniques of mindfulness and concentration to calm the mind and reduce stress. There are various forms of meditation, including guided meditation, meditation mindfulness (mindfulness), and transcendental meditation.
  • Yoga: Combines physical postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama) and meditation to improve flexibility, strength and balance, as well as to promote the peace of mind and the emotional well-being.


The alternative medicine offers a wide range of practices and treatments that can complement conventional medicine and to promote holistic health. From the Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda to the energy therapies and hypnosis therapy, there are many options available for those who are looking for natural approaches and holistic for your health.

It is important to consult with qualified professionals and consider the individual needs to choose an alternative therapy. The integration of these practices into your daily routine can provide significant benefits for physical health, emotional, and spiritual, helping people to achieve a state of overall well-being.

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